2023-2024 Round 2 Competition – Judges’ Bio
Moira Fenner
Over the past 20 years, photography has provided me with many opportunities to learn, travel and make lasting friendships.
My first interest was bird photography and I have spent many an early morning enjoying quiet time in nature. Since retiring, I am photographing a variety of birds visiting our backyard feeders.
In the last few years, my interest has turned to travel/landscape photography. Visits to the Canadian Rockies in Alberta and British Columbia, the American South-West, Yosemite and San Francisco, Scotland and most recently Namibia, have opened opportunities to see and photograph the natural beauty around us. The motivation and satisfaction for me is capturing a moment in time and remembering what you felt then for years afterwards.
Flower photography is my new obsession and we plant our backyard garden with that in mind. I have recently learned to digitally paint my photographed flowers in Photoshop, a wonderful creative outlet.
I joined the Oshawa Camera Club in 2014 and enjoy the opportunities provided in the Club to challenge and improve my photography skills. I am an accredited Ontario Council of Camera Clubs’ Judge and have experience judging at the local camera club, provincial and international levels. I am also Competitions Director for the Club.
Virginia Stranaghan
Gail Shotlander
Gail has judged OCC club competitions and regional arts competitions for 6+ years now. Her past background includes teaching photography continuing education at Georgian College and being on the executive of her local photography club, Gail is a retired educator, and her last role was at a school of the arts in Brampton, overseeing as a VP the arts program. Gail now resides in Barrie. Her only on-line presence with photography is her Getty portfolio, which has sold her images world wide to many well known magazine publications, books, and other uses.