2022-2023 Round 3 Judges
Leonie Holmes
Born in England & came to Canada in 1966.
A professional photographer for many years & owned a portrait & pet studio. Now retired.
A graduate of Sheridan College in Commercial photography. An accredited CAPA & OCCC judge. Also, an international judge.
Won many photographic awards over the years & have taught clients photography & mentored many others.
Fine Art images have been sold to many clients.
A member of Trillium, Mississauga & Hamilton (Life Member) camera clubs.
President of Hamilton camera club 3 times
Hobbies include painting, collecting pre 1950’s postcards & enjoying my cat & dog.
Lisa Demaline
Lisa Demaline, MPA is an award winning photographer and photography judge who lives in beautiful Port Dover, Ontario. She took a lifelong love of travel and photography a step further and went back to school near the end of her career in Information Technology to get a diploma in Photography in 2015.
She is a member and certified judge for both the Canadian Association of Photographic Arts and the Professional Photographers of Canada. A member of the Professional Photographers of Canada for seven years, she is accredited in Nature, Fine Art, Botanical, Travel Illustration and Image Manipulation and has recently received her Master of the Photographic Arts designation. She has exhibited many images in regional and national Salons for the PPOC and has won Best in Class in both Fine Art and Experimental classes. She is currently the National Salon Chair for the PPOC.
Moira Fenner
Over the past 20 years, photography has provided me with many opportunities to learn, travel and make lasting friendships.
My first interest was bird photography and I have spent many an early morning enjoying quiet time in nature. Since retiring, I am photographing a variety of birds visiting our backyard feeders.
In the last few years, my interest has turned to travel/landscape photography. Visits to the Canadian Rockies in Alberta and British Columbia, the American South-West, Yosemite and San Francisco, Scotland and most recently Namibia, have opened opportunities to see and photograph the natural beauty around us. The motivation and satisfaction for me is capturing a moment in time and remembering what you felt then for years afterwards.
Flower photography is my new obsession and we plant our backyard garden with that in mind. I have recently learned to digitally paint my photographed flowers in Photoshop, a wonderful creative outlet.
I joined the Oshawa Camera Club in 2014 and enjoy the opportunities provided in the Club to challenge and improve my photography skills. I am an accredited Ontario Council of Camera Clubs’ Judge and have experience judging at the local camera club, provincial and international levels. I am also Competitions Director for the Club.