2022-2023 Round 2 Judges

Helene Ullock

Helene bought her first camera in 2010 as a new photographer and joined OCC.  She embraced the concept of competition as a way to grow and learn her craft and she herself received accreditation as a judge in 2015.  She has successfully competed in all genres and achieved Photographer of the Year in the O3C Open Challenges of 2019, 2021 and was runner-up in 2015.  In her own Camera Club she continues to be either the winner or in the top 3 in all major competitions.  She believes in giving back to help others as she was helped as a newbie.

John Allman

Encouraged by my father, my involvement with photography goes back to my childhood. Later, I studied to be an Audio/Visual technician at Seneca College.  There, I learned so much about photography from the late Alistair Stewart and the late George Suzuki.  Subsequently I also taught photography at Seneca.

Most recently, I have been a member of the Toronto Digital Photography Club (President from 2015-2017).  I am also a member of the Photographic Historical Society of Canada, which in the late ’70’s and early ’80’s was about the hardware, but in the 2000’s has shifted to the images and history of photography.  In 2019 I was accredited as a photographic image judge by the Ontario Council of Camera Clubs and in 2022 was asked to take on the position of Judge Chair.

While I like most aspects of photography, landscape and travel are my favourites.

Norm Ullock

Norm Ullock is a member of the Oshawa Camera Club. In 2014 Norm initiated a project to improve the competition & judging process. This initiative became the standard for all O3C competitions. Norm has Co-taught every O3C Judge and JIT in Ontario on how to use the new judging methodology.

Norm is also an award-winning photographer.  He has been OCC Runner up Photographer of the year twice and Photographer of the Year for Oshawa CC three times.  In 2018 he was runner up for the OCCC Open Challenge, Photographer of the Year. In 2019 he received the OCCC award for Technical Achievement, recognizing his work to improve O3C Competitions and Judging.

Samples of his Images can be seen by visiting his gallery at https://norm-ullock.myportfolio.com/ and https://www.instagram.com/normullockphotography/